Y and I

Location: New York, New York, United States

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Case in point

Here's one stupid thing I did today in the lab: I was standing in front of my hood for three hours, pushing solvent through a column into test tubes, and I had just finished filling a rack of 40 test tubes (containing approximately two liters of solvent). I went to move the rack of test tubes from my hood to the lab bench, and lo and behold, teh entire bottom of the test tube rack fell off, all the glass test tubes came crashing down into my hood, two liters of solvent spilled everywhere, and it was a huge mess. My response? I figured, OK, I guess that's my cue to go home now.

I just finished re-reading all the blog posts, and decided that we were probably alot funnier before we got married. And by 'we,' I obviously meant Y. I don't need to be funny. I do enough stupid things to compensate.